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  • David Mathews

A Message from David Mathews

  • David Mathews

The following is from David Mathews, Chair of the National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI).

TO:            The NIFI Board Members and the NIF Network

FROM:       David Mathews, Chair of the National Issues Forums Institute

DATE:        February 26, 2020

RE:            Forums in prisons

Below is a link to another Maura Casey interview. It is about forums in an unlikely place, prisons. Bill DiMascio has reported similar results from prisons in Pennsylvania.

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  • Public Agenda

USA TODAY Article - New Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos Survey Finds Republicans and Democrats Largely Agree on Some Things about Climate Change

  • Public Agenda

A January 24, 2020 USA TODAY article, Republican and Democratic voters actually agree on many climate change fixes. So why no action? by Elizabeth Weise, describes the results of a January 10-13, 2020 opt-in poll of 1,006 adults in which they were asked about climate change and whether they would support a variety of possible solutions.

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  • Health care cover

New Issue Guide Available (FREE to download) - "Health Care: How Can We Bring Costs Down While Getting the Care We Need?"

  • Health care cover

This newly-updated issue guide about health care costs is available as a FREE, downloadable pdf. The 28-page issue guide presents three options for deliberation. A 4-minute overview video is also available to stream online at no cost. Post-forum questionnaires can be downloaded for forum participants to complete for return to be included in research and reporting.

Click here to view and download the issue materials.

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  • National Issues Forums
  • The Kettering Foundation

Get Involved - The Hidden Common Ground Project

  • National Issues Forums
  • The Kettering Foundation

The Hidden Common Ground project began in December 2019 and will last through the 2020 elections. The project will focus on some of the issues that Americans across the political spectrum care deeply about. You can read more details about the Hidden Common Ground project here.

The public issues that the project will focus on include:

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  • Webinar screen shot
  • issue guide cover

Watch a Webinar (recorded Jan. 9, 2020) about the New Issue Guide - "Health Care: How Can We Bring Costs Down While Getting the Care We Need?"

  • Webinar screen shot
  • issue guide cover

The National Issues Forums network and the Kettering Foundation are moving forward with the major initiative, Hidden Common Ground, spearheaded by Public Agenda and USA TODAY to examine what Americans have to say about some of the most urgent concerns facing us in the coming election year. 

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