Open Forum: Safety and Justice and follow-up Moderator Training
City of Aiken Municipal Building Conference Room
Aiken, SC 29801
Barbara A Brown
Email Organizer
Call Organizer
Event Type
Issue Guides
Safety and Justice
This forum will begin Aiken's 2017 Community Stakeholders Symposium Series.
Safety and Justice, how should communities reduce violence? Join in this discussion to deliberate the following three approaches: Enforce the law together. Apply the law fairly. De-escalate and prevent violence. What do you think? Where should we devote our community resources?
Our deliberation will focus on choices. We will listen to each other. Everyone is encouraged to participate. No one or two individuals will dominate the discussion. We will talk about our assumptions, speak from our own experience, suspend judgements - even if we disagree, and all major choices will be considered. JOIN the deliberative dialogue on August 1st at the City of Aiken Community conference room from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. See contact information for Cynthia Mitchell, the Aiken Department of Public Safety Community Services Coordinator.
To participate in a follow up Moderator Training schedduled for August 5, 2017, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm contact Cynthia Mitchell or Barbara Brown.
For more information on National Issues Forums you may email Barbara Brown, President of the Citizens Center for Public Life at .
Or call her at: 803-968-0388.
Aiken Safety & Justice forum
Hello interested deliberative dialogue practicetioners. I have not commented on one of the event posts before. I presume if people log in, go to the event site they can post something as I am. I'm testing this to see if I am correct. I sent the link to the co-organizer to see if she can do so. Maybe some of the 'to be trained" new moderators will join in the experiment.
Here is a question for any Aiken resident or a "to be trained" moderator: What first got your attention about the opportunity to be trained as a moderator for Safety and Justice forums?
For me, as the teainer, it is the enthusiam that Ms. Mitchell has shown regarding supporting the residents of Aiken and her commitment to listening to the residents share thier ideas.