"Think Regional" Summit (Ohio) Featured Deliberative Forum about Skilled Workforce Development

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  • Bill Muse

The Think Regional Summit was held April 28, 2017 in southwest Ohio and featured a deliberative forum about Skilled Workforce Development that was lead by Bill Muse, Retired President and President Emeritus, National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI).

Attendees broke into small groups to deliberate three possible approaches to "Achieving Workforce Development in Our Region." Click here to read a summary of the forum outcomes.

Think Regional has a "focus on economic development and the growth of higher-paying, career-oriented jobs," and seeks to promote economic investment and jobs in the region of Southwest Ohio.

Keynote speakers at the summit included J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy; and Phil DeVol, co-author of Bridges Out of Poverty.