A PowerPoint Presentation - "Moderating Deliberative Forums - An Introduction"

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  • PowerPoint Presentation slide
  • PowerPoint slide

A new informative PowerPoint presentation is available to view or download, and to modify for your own use. The presentation covers a range of topics related to convening and moderating National Issues Forums (NIF), including: What are the main goals of an NIF forum? What kinds of questions do moderators use to encourage deliberation? This PowerPoint presentation introduces the basics and can be adapted by local forum organizers to match their own needs and goals.

Click on the image below to view or download the PowerPoint presentation, Moderating Deliberative Forums - An Introduction.

Moderators and conveners: Are you interested in getting regular updates about the NIF network and moderating for deliberation? Send your name, organization (if applicable), and email address to Jean Johnson at jjohnson@nifi.org. We'd love to keep in touch with you.