Community Forum | Keeping America Safe: What is our Greatest Threat? How Should We Respond?
Corryville Branch Library
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Darla Minnich
Call Organizer
Event Type
Issue Guides
Keeping America SafeJoin your neighbors for a facilitated discussion around Keeping America Safe.
Americans are divided over how to keep our country safe in today’s dangerous and increasingly complex world. As we look into the future, what are our biggest threats, and how should we invest our money, our people, and our reputation to ward them off?
The guide used for the civil dialogue will offer a framework for deliberating over the priorities that should inform our nation’s role on the world’s stage. It presents three different options for moving forward—each based on a different way of looking at our greatest threats and each involving a different set of prescriptions for what should be done. Most important, each option has significant downsides and drawbacks. Each of these will need to be considered if we are to decide how best to use our economic, military, and diplomatic resources.
Attendees are encouraged to visit the branch to pick an issue guide prior to the discussion. Contact the branch at 513-369-6034 with questions.
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