Titlesort ascending Date Organizers Convenor Event Type Reg. type Following Attending Posted Issue Guide
July CGA Forum Series event: " Coming to America: Who Should We Welcome, What Should We Do?” 07/27/2018 Dr. Kara Dillard Forum, Common Ground for Action Forum - Open (online forum) On this site 1 0 06/25/2018
Johnson County for All: How Can We Make Johnson County Livable for All of Its Residents? 04/16/2016 David Supp-Montgomerie Forum On another site 1 1 02/26/2016
JMU-Harrisonburg-Rockingham County Online Deliberation | Guns, rights and security in the Shenandoah Valley 03/27/2020 Dr. Kara Dillard Forum, Common Ground for Action Forum - Open (online forum), Special Event On another site 1 0 02/06/2020 ISSUE ADVISORY (2019) - How Should We Prevent Mass Shootings in Our Communities?
January CGA Forum Series: What Should We Do about the Opioid Epidemic? 01/09 to 10/2019, - Dr. Kara Dillard Forum, Common Ground for Action Forum - Open (online forum) On this site 1 0 01/01/2019 What Should We Do about the Opioid Epidemic?
January CGA Forum Series: Climate Choices 01/15/2019 Dr. Kara Dillard Forum, Common Ground for Action Forum - Open (online forum) On this site 3 2 01/01/2019 Climate Choices
January CGA Forum Series: Climate Choices 01/15/2019 Dr. Kara Dillard Forum, Common Ground for Action Forum - Open (online forum) On this site 3 2 01/01/2019 Climate Choices
Jan-Feb CGA Forum Series Deep Deliberation: Coming to America: Who Should We Welcome? What Should We Do? 01/26 to 02/09/2019, - Dr. Kara Dillard Forum, Common Ground for Action Forum - Open (online forum) On this site 1 1 01/01/2019
James Madison University | Finding Hidden Common Ground Deliberative Forum: Guns, rights, and security 03/04/2020 Dr. Kara Dillard Forum, Special Event On this site 1 1 01/31/2020 ISSUE ADVISORY (2019) - How Should We Prevent Mass Shootings in Our Communities?
Issue Gathering on Making Ends Meet 03/23/2016 Annalisa L. Raymer Forum On this site 1 0 01/19/2016 Making Ends Meet: How Should We Spread Prosperity and Improve Opportunity?
Issue Forum: Healthcare 10/29/2015 Gabriella Portela Forum On this site 1 1 08/13/2015
Issue Forum: Healthcare 09/23/2015 Gabriella Portela Forum On this site 1 1 08/13/2015
Introduction: The Deliberative Forum and the Moderator Role 09/11/2024 Verdis LeVar Robinson Webinar On this site 1 1 07/10/2024
Introduction: The Deliberative Forum and the Moderator Role 07/24/2024 Verdis LeVar Robinson Webinar On this site 0 07/10/2024
Increasing Safety and Securing Justice 02/20/2017 Brittany Curry Forum On this site 1 0 02/07/2017
Immigration Controversy Deliberation 03/16/2017 Daniel Chambers Forum On this site 1 0 03/02/2017
Immigration 03/01/2018 Joanne Hessmiller Forum On this site 1 1 02/22/2018
How to Watch WWE Survivor Series 2016 11/20/2015 Forum On this site 1 1 11/20/2016
How to Watch WWE SummerSlam 2016 04/01 to 05/01/2016, - Other On this site 1 1 08/21/2016
How to Watch WWE Payback 2016 Online Live Replay 01/01/2016 Forum On this site 1 1 05/01/2016
How to Watch WWE NXT TakeOver: Chicago 2017 05/01 to 09/2016, - Forum On this site 1 1 05/20/2017


Format: 09/01/2024
Format: 09/01/2024
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