A Downloadable Toolkit for "A House Divided" Forum Moderators and Conveners

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A FREE MODERATOR'S TOOLKIT - For "A House Divided" Forum Moderators and Conveners

Free, helpful tools and tips are available to download as an entire set, or to download editable individual parts of the set. The toolkit includes the following topics:

Deliberative Facilitator Cheat Sheet
-Editable cheat sheet for moderators to use during a forum

Questions that Can Support Deliberation
-A series of questions that can help spur deliberation in any forum, sourced from hundreds of pages of training materials from a variety of centers for public life

Fostering Deeper Deliberation
-A brief handout that discusses some of Kettering Foundation’s basic research findings on how to foster deeper deliberation

Nine Key Elements of Deliberative Forums
-A short course in NIF moderating

Download the entire kit in a single PDF here.

Download editable, individual elements of the kit here.